
What the causes of crimes are and how to prevent them

Annually, the number of criminals on the street increases. Criminal activity has countless causes, such as poverty and lack of education. By improving such social conditions, the government might be able to decrease violence on the streets. This essay will discuss this topic in detail.

Although the overall sense of safety in large cities has been increasing, those places still have neighborhoods in which criminals have territorial dominance. In such areas, the state cannot provide its inhabitants with even basic public services. The lack of schools, for example, is the main reason behind the use of youngsters as a workforce by criminal organizations. It is not rare to see drug dealers and cartels luring teenagers with guns, gold jewelry, and, consequently, power in order to recruit them. As a result, uneducated people might think it is easier to obtain social status and wealth as gang members. If the government wants to ameliorate this situation, it must invest heavily in education in these sensible regions.

Moreover, destitute individuals also have a tendency to commit more crimes than fortunate ones. Nowadays, the media publishes an astonishing number of advertisements on television, social media, and billboards, to name a few. People who cannot afford such items may eventually consider engaging in illegal activity to make money. In this case, their lack of moral values will play a huge role in this decision. However, if they have a job that provides them with enough money to buy things, they will not have to handle this dilemma.

In summary, this is a controversial subject that not even specialists have a silver-bullet solution to. However, it is clear that the more educated a population is, the less crime its people will experience on a daily basis. This field should be the number one priority of every public authority.

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