
Is the Internet the best place to get information?

In recent years, the internet has become people’s preferred communication system. Some individuals argue that this environment is not reliable when it comes to obtaining information. Although this is a democratic type of media, I believe that the lack of regulation tends to increase the amount of false information spread among its users.

The advancement of technology has brought many benefits to society as a whole. Nowadays, not only are mobile devices affordable, but also access to the network is cheap and available even in remote places. Therefore, the more people adopt the internet as their main source of news, the more media vehicles will publish their content on this platform. As a result, people from various social backgrounds are now able to consume information as previous generations could not imagine. Usually, people who are better informed make the best decisions in many aspects of their lives.

On the other hand, the internet was born without any regulatory system. The concept behind its creation was to provide a space in which every citizen could freely manifest his or her thoughts and beliefs. Because of this chaotic environment, many groups have been using the web as a tool to spread misinformation, conspiracy theories, and many other content that will manipulate the opinion of readers. To illustrate, recently, so-called fake news played a huge role in the United States elections. If voters had checked the validity of the information, they might have changed the way they voted. In other words, if internet users do not carefully check the source of what they are reading, they will become an easy target for those who want to spread biased messages as true information.

To sum up, this is a controversial topic, and there is not a simple measure to fix these issues. The system is hugely complex and involves a multitude of players such as tech companies, governments, legislators and political regimes. In summary, people should think twice after reading a piece of information from the internet.


What the causes of crimes are and how to prevent them

Annually, the number of criminals on the street increases. Criminal activity has countless causes, such as poverty and lack of education. By improving such social conditions, the government might be able to decrease violence on the streets. This essay will discuss this topic in detail.

Although the overall sense of safety in large cities has been increasing, those places still have neighborhoods in which criminals have territorial dominance. In such areas, the state cannot provide its inhabitants with even basic public services. The lack of schools, for example, is the main reason behind the use of youngsters as a workforce by criminal organizations. It is not rare to see drug dealers and cartels luring teenagers with guns, gold jewelry, and, consequently, power in order to recruit them. As a result, uneducated people might think it is easier to obtain social status and wealth as gang members. If the government wants to ameliorate this situation, it must invest heavily in education in these sensible regions.

Moreover, destitute individuals also have a tendency to commit more crimes than fortunate ones. Nowadays, the media publishes an astonishing number of advertisements on television, social media, and billboards, to name a few. People who cannot afford such items may eventually consider engaging in illegal activity to make money. In this case, their lack of moral values will play a huge role in this decision. However, if they have a job that provides them with enough money to buy things, they will not have to handle this dilemma.

In summary, this is a controversial subject that not even specialists have a silver-bullet solution to. However, it is clear that the more educated a population is, the less crime its people will experience on a daily basis. This field should be the number one priority of every public authority.


The fashion trap

Annually, fashion tendencies may change many times. These days, it is hard for an ordinary person to recognize the latest fashion trends from the season. From my perspective, people should care less about these trends, and save their money buying what makes them feel good. This essay will discuss the topic in detail.

Firstly, it is almost impossible to follow such an enormous quantity of fashion trends. Globalization has made it harder since western countries come to play the capitalist game. In addition, social networking has been increasing the exchange between cultures as people have never experienced this before. An American teenager, for example, might see in her mobile phone what is trending in Japan and South Africa simultaneously. Because of this, the decision of what to follow has become extremely difficult.

There is no doubt that following the latest fashion tendencies requires deep pockets. For those who want to wear a dress of the same brand that they saw on a television advertisement, they must pay top dollar to put their hands on this product. Therefore, if I were a regular worker – specifically living in developing countries – I would not spend a big cut of my budget on these articles. There are many other ways to use money more prudently. For instance, they can buy what was fashionable in the last season for half of the price.

In summary, I would recommend people to avoid the fashion trap as much as they can. It is important to take into account that the marketing industry is always trying to persuade us to buy those products. People should think about what their priorities are before buying such goods.


Computers versus workers

In recent years, the majority of businesses have relied on computers when it comes to their operational processes. While some people argue that these machines are a burden, I think that computer-based devices can be extremely useful to process all sorts of data, but operating such machines requires high-skilled workers.

The amount of information that individuals and companies must deal with every day is enormous. In fact, gadgets are more accessible and user-friendly today than ever before. This increase of usage tends to elevate the number of data spread worldwide. Without the assistance of computers, companies cannot tackle some issues related to finances, marketing, production and logistics. Just computers can provide not only storage capacity, but also accuracy to deal with complex numbers and codes.

On the other hand, the technological revolution has left behind countless people who do not know how to command these modern machines. Developing countries, for example, are not even able to provide their citizens with the minimal education. Therefore, companies that are established in such places struggle to hire workforce and to maintain their operation. In this scenario, computers are definitely an obstacle which individuals have to overcome if they want to obtain well-paid jobs.

In summary, modern life imposes challenges to everyone, especially for those who live in big cities, that might likely come across computers at some point in their life routine. The more companies adopt computational systems to run their businesses, the more their productivity will increase. As a result, the overall price tags would diminish, allowing people to provide more comfort to their families.


What is matter on career’s choice?

Choosing a profession is a tough decision, and it is a moment in which individuals may consider multiple variables. Some people argue that salary is the pivotal element of this choice, and I do believe that this characteristic is still relevant. However, there are other aspects to take into account. This essay will support my point of view in detail.

There is no doubt that getting a well-paid job is the main goal for almost every person. As the cost of living in many places around the world increases, people tend to worry more about their income. Therefore, before picking up a college degree, youngsters should do some research about the average salary of the career they would like to pursue. If they follow the wrong career pathway, they will probably struggle to make ends meet in their adulthood. In order to get the best direction possible, people should be driven by marketing and economic tendencies.

On the other hand, studies have shown that just money does not make people satisfied in the long run. Scholars from all over the world have published studies that prove this theory. Some surveys have revealed that high-paid workers did not mention their income as the main factor of happiness at work. They usually mention other elements that make them feel joyful at work: such as, the environment of the workplace, the friendship that they built with colleagues, and how far their jobs challenge them.

In summary, a six-figure salary provides not only safety but also stability. For those families who can rely on a high-income earning, life could be less stressful. Therefore, to define which work to do for their entire lifespan, people should pay attention to how certain professions look daily to cement their decision.